
Windows 12 Web Edition

🎉🎉 Happy First Birthday to ‘Windows 12 Web Edition’!o(^o^)o Sincere thanks for your support!

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Windows 12 的明天在大家的努力下会更灿烂美好!
————星源 23/8/28

The author is in his third year and won’t be doing any feature updates. Maintenance and continued development is left to our @User782Tec @NB-Group,refer to Announcement(Chinese)

————星源 23/8/30

🎉🎉Project breaks ✨5.6k✨stars✨ on GitHub now! WOW🎊🎈o(^o^)o Sincere thanks for your support!

Introduction Before Introduction

Recently, instances of impersonation by others claiming to be associated with us have come to our attention. Therefore, a statement is hereby issued:

This project was developed by tjy-gitnub(Grade 9),NB-group(Prospective junior high school students),782(Grade 7), three developers.!

(If you’re going to make a promotional video for us, please hook up our Bilibili account as well!

We only have official accounts on GitHub, Bilibili and!


Check out the contributors

Bilibili account:







The only official account in the world where you can donate! Shine your eyes! Don’t donate to anyone else!



This project and source code is absolutely no mandatory charges! If you see the sale of this project and did not specify the original project link, or violation of the EPL-2.0 open source agreement and the project open source description, welcome to report!


Recently (a long time ago), inspired by the concept of Windows 12 (Powered by PowerPoint), I decided to create a web version of Windows 12, similar to Win11 in React.

Consultation Preview

Beautiful ui design, smooth and rich animations, various advanced features (compared to the web version).

Adaptation for mobile is not too perfect, just use desktop >v-)o

Particular Thanks

Special thanks to the following sponsors.

Hereby, we express public gratitude to the above sponsors!


There are a lot of changes in the new version, it is for reference only, please refer to the real thing!(Click Here you will know,it’s no trouble-_-)o


start menu


colorful apps


dark mode


AI Copilot

Use Online

Use Online

It’s a little slow. Wait a minute.

Installation And Use

Download the code, no need to install, just open desktop.html.

Subsequent Planning

Regarding the project’s route planning.

Below are some… um… imaginative thoughts. ~o~)/

Open Source Description

The developer of this project:谭景元(tjy-gitnub)

Link to this item:

This project is an open-source initiative. It utilizes the EPL v2.0 open-source license. Open-source licenses are legally binding agreements; please voluntarily comply with the open-source license and respect the efforts of others.

Under the license, you are allowed to propagate, distribute, modify, and re-publish this project, including for both personal and commercial purposes. However, we do not encourage any and all commercial uses.

You must give the source code source, including the author, a link to the project (see above), etc., and it must be open-sourced using the same protocol.

If the source code for this project is distributed as part of a project with your private source code, you may use other protocols but declare the contents of the EPL section and state that this section continues to follow the EPL protocol.

Not on the basis of the project to add, modify, only reference to the source code, do not need open source, but also for learning purposes only.

Due to the large number of abuses detected in the recent past, additional regulations are hereby stipulated:


For details, please see How To Contribute(Chinese)

Translated by @Junchen Yi